Thursday, July 4, 2024

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Deadpool 3: The Original X-Men, Phoenix, Storm, and Wolverine Return 

Deadpool 3: The Original X-Men, Phoenix, Storm, and Wolverine Return 

A new report suggests that more original X-Men characters will return for Deadpool 3, aligning with the plot synopsis of Deadpool killing the Marvel Universe. This includes the alternate timelines and alternate universes in the TV show, with the Loki characters following him.

Deadpool 3: The original X-Men

The original X-Men from the first couple of movies, such as Fokka Janssen’s Jean Grey, Halle Berry’s Storm in James Marsden’s Cyclops, Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen as versions of Professor X and Magneto, and Hugh Jackman‘s Wolverine variant, may see light references to the original timeline. This comes a couple of years after Deadpool made jokes about the timeline in the first movie. The reintroduction of these characters supports rumors about the House of M storyline, and fans are eagerly anticipating Elizabeth Olsen’s appearance as Scarlet Witch due to her relationship with the character.

Elizabeth Olsen expressed her desire for Magneto to be the true father of Scarlet Witch in the movies, citing Ian McKellen’s Magneto as her preferred version. However, due to timeline craziness, Michael Fassbender is now considered the younger version of Ian McKellen’s Magneto. The House of M plot, inspired by the events of House of M, may have some light references to Magneto. The X-Men storyline, where Magneto reigns supreme over the world, is one of the most famous. Magneto uses her reality-warping powers to create a massive hex around the world, altering everyone inside who isn’t powerful enough to withstand her chaos magic.

Only a few people in the Marvel universe are powerful enough to withstand her chaos magic, and only a few people in the Marvel universe are immune to her effects. Rumors suggest that in Deadpool 3, Magneto may be introduced as a new character. In the alternate universe, Professor X and the X-Men initially sided with Magneto in the Brotherhood of Mutants. Magneto mutated a large portion of the world, leading to a majority of mutants ruling over regular humans. Deadpool, played by Hugh Jackman, tries to win over the universe’s version of Wolverine.

The movie is set to be a big Tipping Point, with the incursion storyline leading up to Avengers 5 King Dynasty and Secret Wars. Deadpool’s actions will cause multiple universes to be destroyed, ultimately paying off in the Marvel Universe. The Marvel Universe is adapting the Loki storyline, combining the Loki storyline with the TVA, a version of House of Them, and Deadpool killing the Marvel Universe. Matthew McFadden, who plays Tom on Succession, will play a TVA agent assigned by Mobius to follow Deadpool and try unsuccessfully to keep him from messing up other timelines. His role is expected to be Deadpool’s comedic punching bag, as he is hapless and self-centered.

Deadpool 3: The Original X-Men, Phoenix, Storm, and Wolverine Return 

The announcement of X-Men actors returning is because they have just started filming, and many characters have been mentioned as returning. Halle Berry even posted a picture of her with a storm haircut in preparation for filming her Deadpool 3 scenes. During the pandemic, an X-Men reunion was held, featuring Ryan Reynolds and various jokes reminiscent of the original Deadpool movies. Deadpool attempted to worm his way onto the official X-Men team, Knots Landing, two professors, and One Cop.

The reunion was a departure from the Game of Thrones reunion, and the characters were expected to clown on Wolverine Origins multiple times. Ryan Reynolds even made more jokes about Hugh Jackman’s fault, as seen in the Wolverine Origins debacle. The clan on each other is common in real life, and fans are eagerly anticipating the official promotion of Deadpool 3, similar to Marvel’s marketing campaign.

The original Deadpool marketing campaign in Civil War One is considered one of the best movies ever. The marketing campaign could be fun without a trailer, as they could post funny clips and engage in playful banter. The idea of spending a year with the cast shooting Wolverine and Deadpool would be an impossible task, but the potential for fun and humor is undeniable.

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