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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy 

Privacy Policy UnfoldedNow, recognizes that its customers, visitors, users, and others who use, other web sites, mobile applications, online forums, online communities, and/or any online platforms owned or operated by UnfoldedNow (the “UnfoldedNow Platforms”) (collectively or individually “Users”) value their privacy. This Privacy Notice details important information regarding the use and disclosure of User information collected on the UnfoldedNow Platforms.

UnfoldedNow provides this Privacy Notice to help you make an informed decision about whether to use or continue using the UnfoldedNow Platforms. This Privacy Notice is incorporated into and is subject to the UnfoldedNow Terms of Use. Your use of the UnfoldedNow Platforms and any personal information you provide on the UnfoldedNow Platforms remains subject to the terms of this Privacy Notice and our Terms of Use.

Please note that any video, image, or other content posted at the direction of Users onto the UnfoldedNow Platforms becomes published content and is not considered personally identifiable information subject to this Privacy Notice.

The Information UnfoldedNow Collects

User Provided Information:
You provide certain personally identifiable information (such as your name, IP address, and email address) to UnfoldedNow when choosing to participate in various activities on the UnfoldedNow Platforms, such as uploading videos, posting messages in our forums or in the video comments section, entering contests or sweepstakes, taking advantage of promotions, responding to surveys, or subscribing to newsletters or other mailing lists.

Cookies Information:
When you visit the UnfoldedNow Platforms, we may send one or more cookies – a small text file containing a string of alphanumeric characters – to your computer that uniquely identifies your browser. UnfoldedNow uses both session cookies and persistent cookies. A persistent cookie remains after you close your browser. Persistent cookies may be used by your browser on subsequent visits to the UnfoldedNow Platforms. Persistent cookies can be removed by following your web browser help file directions. A session cookie is temporary and disappears after you close your browser. You can reset your web browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent. However, some features of the UnfoldedNow Platforms may not function properly if the ability to accept cookies is disabled.

Log File Information:
When you use the UnfoldedNow Platforms, we may employ “clear GIFs” (a.k.a. Web Beacons) which are used to track the online usage patterns of our Users anonymously (i.e., in a non-personally-identifiable manner). In addition, we may also use clear GIFs in HTML-based emails sent to our users to track which emails are opened by recipients.

Clear GIFs Information:
When you use the UnfoldedNow Platforms, we may employ “clear GIFs” (a.k.a. Web Beacons) which are used to track the online usage patterns of our Users anonymously (i.e., in a non-personally-identifiable manner). In addition, we may also use clear GIFs in HTML-based emails sent to our users to track which emails are opened by recipients.

The Way UnfoldedNow Uses Information:
If you submit personally identifiable information to us through the UnfoldedNow Platforms, then we use your personal information to operate, maintain, and provide to you the features and functionality of the UnfoldedNow Platforms.

Any personal information or video, image, sound, clips, snaps, or any other such content that you voluntarily disclose online (on discussion boards, in messages and chat areas, communities, forums, within your public profile page.

Information Automatically Logged

We use your IP address to help diagnose problems with our server and to administer our Web site. Your IP address is also used to gather broad demographic information. Your IP address or demographic information is never shared with anyone or disclosed to third parties.

Registration Forms

UnfoldedNow does not collect personally identifiable information about individuals, except when individuals provide such information on a voluntary basis during registration.

Contact information from the registration forms is used to get in touch with the customer when necessary as well as dissemination of prizes. Contact information is never shared with anyone or disclosed to third parties.

The Demographic information is shared with advertisers on an aggregate basis. We use this data to tailor our visitor’s experience at our site showing them content that we think they might be interested in, and displaying the content according to their preferences. This data is also used to serve banner ads.

External Links

This site contains links to other sites. UnfoldedNow is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such Web sites.

Public Forums

This site makes chat rooms, opinion polls, and/or news available to its users. Please remember that any information that is disclosed in these areas becomes public information and you should exercise caution when deciding to disclose your personal information.


This site has security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse, and alteration of the information under our control. We make every effort to maintain quality of service and prevent misuse.

Children’s Guidelines ( Children under 13 )

This site collects and uses personally identifiable information without prior verifiable parental consent. This site allows children to post or distribute any personally identifiable information without first obtaining verifiable parental consent.

Contacting the Web Site

If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this Web site, you can contact us.

You hereby confirm that you shall abide to these Terms & Conditions and shall also abide to all the applicable laws of the land.

Content on this website may occasionally contain strong language (which may be unsuitable for children), unusual humor (which may be unsuitable for adults), nudity, violence, and imitable behavior etc. Viewers are requested to exercise discretion when listening to and / or viewing such content.

Content Feedback

Should you have any concerns or complaints on any content available on; you can write to us: