Thursday, July 4, 2024

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Priyanka Chopra’s Courageous Decision to Leave Bollywood for a New Start in Hollywood

Priyanka Chopra has been a popular name in the entertainment industry, both in India and abroad. She has been an inspiration for many aspiring actors and actresses who are looking for a way to make it in the world of showbiz. Recently, in Dax Shepherd’s podcast show Armchair Expert, Priyanka opened up about why she left the Bollywood industry and ventured into the world of Hollywood.

Priyanka Stood Up to the Politics of Bollywood

Priyanka admitted that she was not happy with the work she was getting in Bollywood and was increasingly frustrated by the politics of the industry. She was not getting the roles she wanted and was being pushed into a corner. She said, “People were not casting me. I had complaints against people. I’m not good in such politics. I was exhausted from the political atmosphere and felt the need for a break.”

Got a Chance to Explore the Music Industry in America

It was then that Anjali Acharya of music label Desi Hits once saw Priyanka in a music video and called her. Priyanka saw it as an opportunity to get away from the politics of Bollywood and decided to take on the challenge.

Priyanka’s Music Career Failed, But She Found a New Home in Hollywood

In 2012, Priyanka embarked on her musical journey. She worked with some of the biggest names in the music industry such as Pitbull, Pharrell Williams, and Jay Z. However, her music career did not take off and she ended up focusing on her acting career. Someone then suggested to her that she try her hand at acting in America.

Priyanka’s Journey to Hollywood Was a Success

In 2015, Priyanka made her Hollywood debut with the show Quantico. After this, she starred in Baywatch in 2017, A Kid Like Jack in 2018, and Is It Romantic in 2019. Her next Bollywood film is ‘Jee Le Zara’, in which Priyanka will be sharing the screen with Alia and Katrina Kaif.

Kangana Ranot Blames Karan Johar for Priyanka’s Exit from Bollywood

Recently, actress Kangana Ranot has blamed Karan Johar for Priyanka’s exit from the Bollywood industry. She said that Karan Johar had banned Priyanka from the industry and she was not getting any work. Kangana stated that Priyanka was facing ostracization in the industry and was subjected to bullying by certain peoples. She said that Karan treated Priyanka like a punching bag and he should be held responsible for spoiling the culture of the film industry.

Shekhar Suman Opens a Front Against Bollywood

Actor Shekhar Suman recently came out in support of Priyanka and said that some people in the industry had ganged up against him and his son Adhyayan Suman. He said that there is a gang in Bollywood and they can destroy whomever they want. He said that Priyanka had made the right decision to leave the industry. He also said that no power in the world can stop him and he will not stop fighting for justice.

Kangana’s Allegations Confirmed

Apoorva Asrani confirmed that Kangana Ranaut’s allegations regarding Priyanka Chopra being ‘forced out of the country’ due to Karan Johar’s ‘ban’ have been confirmed by Priyanka herself.

Success Is Not a Guarantee Against Criticism

No matter how accomplished an outsider may become, they will always remain subjected to criticism. This is precisely what Priyanka Chopra has faced in spite of her tremendous success. Meera Chopra has expressed her support for her cousin by noting that the criticism will never cease unless one follows the rulebook set by the critics. Nevertheless, Priyanka Chopra has made an impressive achievement that serves as a direct rebuttal to her detractors.

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